1. How much longer do you think Dan will be in I-banking? Is he loving it? Are you loving New York and do you see yourself there for the long haul? 
* Well, I hope no one from UBS is reading this.... I don't know howlong he'll stay. He HATES the hours. For those of you unfamiliar with his hours I will briefly explain. Usually he leaves before 8:30 am and returns home between 11 - 2 am (16-18 hr days) on average -- Monday to Friday. On the weekends he works 10 -25 hours from home or office depending on the deal. To compensate for the long hours they are usually paid pretty well, but Dan is too low in the pecking order to get the crazy bonuses you hear about but high enough for them to cut the bonus he does get when times are tough. If you average out how much he works with how much he is paid (or will be paid) it is sad. On the up side he still has a job and in the NY market that is a blessing. We took this job thinking he would stay long enough to pay down our student loans, but that is proving harder than we anticipated due to current conditions. So we are contemplating our options...any suggestions???????

*As for NY...hmmm. I am torn. Surprisingly, Dan really likes NY and our neighborhood. We both think:
- we hate that we pay the highest property taxes in the US (#1 or#2 is Westchester county). It is really obscene.
- paying to go to stores like Target. (I have to pay to park almost everywhere and it is annoying.)
- NY state Taxes! (taxes in general are a big complaint around here)
- Babysitters that cost $10 or more per hour. This limits our ability to have "date night" very often when you know you have to fork out $40-60 just for the sitter.
- The weather...I don't like cloudy weather and it is cloudy here WAY to often.
- everything is just SO expensive.
- our house..too small, too old, too expensive
+ We love the great schools the high taxes pay for.... Both the kids have fabulous programs and teachers.
+ the beautiful, green landscape out here.
+ being able to have NYC so close...I don't get in as often as I would like, but just knowing it is there is great.
+ having so many airports so close - you can go anywhere from NYC
+ our neighbors...they are amazing and dote on our kids/ward...love the wards we've been in outside UT/ID (nothing against the others, but our other wards have just seemed closer.)
+ our house...you kind of love it like a prisoner becomes enamored with his captor ; )
As you can see we are split here too...I guess much of it depends on the first question - his job. So I guess I haven't actually answered anything have I? Well, we are open to suggestions...
Thanks for the questions Molly... We miss the Philly days too. We loved our time spent there and think about it all the time. Funny, because Dan is at Wharton recruiting tonight as I type.
I'll tackle #2 tomorrow...