01 July 2008

One Month

Can a month be gone already? What an amazing change a baby has on your life...we are still adjusting to life with three kids on three totally different schedules. He is still pretty fussy at times, but there are times when he is happy and calm. How can you not want to just kiss those baby cheeks! As the picture shows, we all pretty much just dote on baby Cal.

I have to admit, having three is a challenge. Not so much what it entails, but all the many emotions and demands you have. I think a lot of it is the fact that Dan isn't around much to give me a few minutes to myself to recharge. He tries to make up for it when he can, but it is hard on both of us. We both wish he could be home more. On a brighter note, my mom is coming in a week and we are all excited to have grandma here to help out and cheer us up! I already have a list of things I want to get done and some serious play time planned, too. Yay!