23 July 2007
Excedrin, please...
Yuck...twice in the last week I have had WILD headaches that brought their own baggage full of other symptoms...nasea, sore muscles, and sound/light sensitivity. This wasn't your average take two--or four--motrin and call me in the morning headaches! They both seemed to linger and come and go for at least 48 hours...hmmmmm migraine maybe? After the first episode (on the day i was scheduled to have watch a friend's daughter--sorry laura/kate) I stepped up the water and worked on getting some rest, but to no avail...sunday morning i woke up with another one. Any thoughts guys????? My real complaint is that it made it very difficult to read the much anticpated "Harry Potter" book that arrived on Saturday morning ;) Seriously....any thoughts?
21 July 2007
and the winner is....
Dan is .......
You Are 7 Up |
![]() Understated and subtle, people warm up to you slowly. But once they're hooked, they can't imagine going back to anyone else! Your best soda match: Diet Coke Stay away from: Mountain Dew |

20 July 2007
You Are 7 Up |
![]() Understated and subtle, people warm up to you slowly. But once they're hooked, they can't imagine going back to anyone else! Your best soda match: Diet Coke Stay away from: Mountain Dew |
One thing is sure...my best soda match IS Diet Coke!! Thanks julie...
I think I am schizophrenic....I took it three times and ended up as a mt. dew, dr. pepper and 7-up...hmmmmmmm
18 July 2007
Blowing off a little steam...

This was the view of midtown (my Dear Spouse's residence 85% of the time) this evening. I received a call from my Dear Spouse informing me that he was OK and all was well--it wasn't a terrorist attack--a steam pipe had burst. I asked if they were going to be released early because of all the chaos and he replied (with almost longing in his voice), "No, it would have to be an actual terrorist attack for us to come home early." Too bad honey...
15 July 2007
Classified Ad
Wanted: Remedy for the very contagious disease "Mischievious Behavior".
The strain most commonly found in our area is the willful breaking of rules and social norms. Symptoms may include (but are not limited to): the discovery of markers, the random tatooing of one's own body with found marker, the inability to remove any of said markings with normal household or bodily cleansers, the patient's complete inability to recall where the contraband marker came from or how the marker came to be tatooed all over the patient's own body. I have included several photos of some of the more common symptoms. Please comment with any remedies or advice. Any or all trades will be considered.

The strain most commonly found in our area is the willful breaking of rules and social norms. Symptoms may include (but are not limited to): the discovery of markers, the random tatooing of one's own body with found marker, the inability to remove any of said markings with normal household or bodily cleansers, the patient's complete inability to recall where the contraband marker came from or how the marker came to be tatooed all over the patient's own body. I have included several photos of some of the more common symptoms. Please comment with any remedies or advice. Any or all trades will be considered.

08 July 2007
Happy July 6th!

Yes, July 6th, our day of celebration--or reckoning as the case may be! On July 6, 2006 we became house-owners for the first time! (Moment of silence) We will not mention the state of said "house" at the point of purchase. After a year here I can officially celebrate our move and declare myself a proud "home-owner" instead! Yes, I have found over the last year my heart has sprouted little roots of affection for this pile of lumber, sheetrock, and nails we purchased (note the lack of insulation). I don't think you can work this manically on something and not have at least a little affection for it. When you work this hard for something part of your soul or self is forever bound to it. Note I have yet to declare my LOVE for this place--we still have too much to do and to much to pay for for that. When I look back at what we started with I am amazed at how much we have accomplished with the help of many dear friends and family. No time to get too nostalgic, we still have a long way to go--our front porch still looks like a cold sore--or pimple that needs popping--on the front of the house and the backyard isn't really a "yard". Compared to what it was and it does look better....

We decided to have a "Happy Anniversary" BBQ and it was wonderful! Truly in the spirit of the occasion we had a piece of sheetrock over a laundry basket for our table, and picnicked under our beautiful Japanese Maple! Yeah!

02 July 2007
coming up for air!
Well, it has been a busy summer--and we are just hangin' out. No trips planned just a summer of the same old stuff. I should say no "family" trips because I will be travelling all over this summer. I just returned from a quick 4 day trip to Ft. Lauderdale for a business. I met up with one of my best buddies, my mother-in-law! (I know "best buddy" and "mother-in-law" are rarely heard in the same breath, but I am pretty lucky!) It began the night before with a WILD storm that knocked out power around the area and wreeked havoc on air traffic! My 6 am flight was cancelled (I had to arrive that day to set up!) I was rescheduled for a later flight in 1st class--no complaints here--I got to sleep in a little and would get to travel non-stop in comfort! After saying my thank-yous and utilizing all the helping hands with kids and transportation arrangments I was off!
We had a pretty good show...lots of enthusiasm and quite a few wholesale contacts as well. While there we were lodged in a FABULOUS resort hotel on the beach--thanks to a dear friend. I swear, it was wonderful! I have travelled all over and stayed in four and five star hotels, but this was one of...if not the best hotel I have stayed in. Unfortunately theses business trips are just that--business! We were only there for a few hours in the late evening and for sleeping. The view was wonderful and the staff was more than gracious.

We did have one little snafu...our room flooded due to stormy weather and a leaky window (see red arrow). My clothes were directly under said window and suffered for it...they were soaked. No problem--within a minute of my call the entire staff (ok, not quite the entire staff) was at the room evaluating the situation and settling on what to do. The bellman wisked us away to another suite at top speed while the housekeepers turned down the beds in our new room and another staff member wrote us a pass for 2 facials at the Luxury Spa! Ahhhhhhhhh........ this is living!

Due to our LONG hours we were unable to visit the spa so they substituted 2 breakfasts in their fab restaraunt. They also dry-cleaned my clothing, including my pajamas! Yes, my pajamas...I still have them on the hanger...I mean really, who gets their pjs drycleaned!

After two VERY LONG days at the show, several taxi rides with bizare drivers, and a 3.5 mile walk to our hotel I had to end it with and enormous drink! Ahhh...just what I needed! (I know the pic is out of focus...batteries were on their last leg!)

All in all I feel like I am just coming up for air after a few weeks of chaos. I wish it was the end of such fevered activity, but time to catch another breath and duck because this is the summer schedule.
We had a pretty good show...lots of enthusiasm and quite a few wholesale contacts as well. While there we were lodged in a FABULOUS resort hotel on the beach--thanks to a dear friend. I swear, it was wonderful! I have travelled all over and stayed in four and five star hotels, but this was one of...if not the best hotel I have stayed in. Unfortunately theses business trips are just that--business! We were only there for a few hours in the late evening and for sleeping. The view was wonderful and the staff was more than gracious.

We did have one little snafu...our room flooded due to stormy weather and a leaky window (see red arrow). My clothes were directly under said window and suffered for it...they were soaked. No problem--within a minute of my call the entire staff (ok, not quite the entire staff) was at the room evaluating the situation and settling on what to do. The bellman wisked us away to another suite at top speed while the housekeepers turned down the beds in our new room and another staff member wrote us a pass for 2 facials at the Luxury Spa! Ahhhhhhhhh........ this is living!

Due to our LONG hours we were unable to visit the spa so they substituted 2 breakfasts in their fab restaraunt. They also dry-cleaned my clothing, including my pajamas! Yes, my pajamas...I still have them on the hanger...I mean really, who gets their pjs drycleaned!

After two VERY LONG days at the show, several taxi rides with bizare drivers, and a 3.5 mile walk to our hotel I had to end it with and enormous drink! Ahhh...just what I needed! (I know the pic is out of focus...batteries were on their last leg!)

All in all I feel like I am just coming up for air after a few weeks of chaos. I wish it was the end of such fevered activity, but time to catch another breath and duck because this is the summer schedule.
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