23 July 2007

Excedrin, please...

Yuck...twice in the last week I have had WILD headaches that brought their own baggage full of other symptoms...nasea, sore muscles, and sound/light sensitivity. This wasn't your average take two--or four--motrin and call me in the morning headaches! They both seemed to linger and come and go for at least 48 hours...hmmmmm migraine maybe? After the first episode (on the day i was scheduled to have watch a friend's daughter--sorry laura/kate) I stepped up the water and worked on getting some rest, but to no avail...sunday morning i woke up with another one. Any thoughts guys????? My real complaint is that it made it very difficult to read the much anticpated "Harry Potter" book that arrived on Saturday morning ;) Seriously....any thoughts?


Laura B. said...

Sounds exactly like a Migraine. They are awful, terrible, knock-you-out-flat-on-your-back nasty.
I get them occasionally, but my mom gets them all the time.
Take Excedrine for Migraines with a coke. the caffiene seems to work wonders.

Jaclyn said...

Oooh. That sounds like a migraine. In my opinion there is nothing worse than a migraine. I'd rather be in labor again than have a migraine. I used to get them on a monthly basis when I was a teenager. The moment you start to become sensitive to light take an Excedrine, place a cool cloth on your forehead (some say warm, but cold worked for me) and lie down in a dark, QUIET room. If that doesn't help, go to the ER and they'll give you a nice shot in your tush. I hope you feel better!!!

cjdustin said...

If these are new you could be dehydrated. I also get similar but not quite as bad headaches a couple days before my period. Drink lots of water and since you are probably addicted to the caffeine in your DC..don't go cold turkey trying to quit on that. Good luck. Keep drugging yourself. I think anti-inflammatories work the best but I've never had a migraine.

cjdustin said...

Sorry, another thing maybe you had a virus or something.

jenafeldman said...

I would say "yes" to the dehidration, but i have been a pretty good girl and have been drinking my water...especially after the first episode. I may have had a virus...hmmmm.

Courtney said...

Sorry about those headaches...What a bummer! I will be arriving in NY on Aug 17 which is so far away!! We already have an apartment lined up so you'll have to come check it out sometime! And of course I can't wait to see the progress you've made on your house since December!

Anonymous said...

Yikes, yup that sounds like a migraine. I suffer from them and they are soooo bad. I actually went to my doctor after having them for years and finally got a perscription for them, which is the only thing that works when I get them. Good luck.