It began as innocent fun on the playground...grew off and on through elementary school years...and took off in high school...and an amazing two years as college roomies. We've shared food, diets, jokes, friends, hobbies, music, clothes, parents, opinions, birthdays, colds, deaths, births, testimonies, laughs, and tears. Since college we have moved away, gotten married, had children, and yet when we all got together in NYC this weekend it was as if we lived next door to each other.
My three best friends Merrilee, Brie, and Jennifer all came to NY to visit for a few days. It has been close to seven years since we have all been together and it was amazing...like recharging some inner battery. I love making new friends, but there is nothing like the relationship you have with someone who knows where you came from. It seems like there is nothing to explain and no excuses to be made. I can't wait till we can do it all again....this time we won't wait 7 years to get together!