17 January 2010

Happy Holidays...Belated!

A little Feldman photo recap of 2009....Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you all - LATE! Sorry we didn't get our cards out this year. (This video is LONG...feel free to skip around!)

Go Here to watch...


Jenn said...

Oh I am soooo excited to see you at the top of my friends and family list again!!!! I really hope you are up there more often this year. I have been meaning to call you or e-mail you and tell you I got your thankyou card and cute necklace. Thankyou for the thankyou it wasn't necessary but I loved it anyway. I think if we all worried about being funny or witty none of us would ever blog again.

Melissa and Dave said...

Yipee!!! I am so happy to see you here! The pics of the family are so precious. We all gathered around (even sophie) the computer to see what our lovie cousins/aunt/uncle are up to. We miss you guys! I hope we can visit you sometime soon.

jrushing said...

Great little video! Welcome back to the blog world!