25 January 2010

All washed up!

Today it rained....and I mean RAINED! I was sick this past week (and I mean SICK) and desparetly needed to restock a few items. Costco was a must even with this deluge. Fortunately the rain didn't stop me from bringing home a smile...I mean where else can you get fountain dt. coke for $ .63!!!!! So I was thoroughly soaked but happy! The pic is from my phone and the soaking is just from one trip from the doors of Costco to the doors of my Camry! Whew!!


Cherie said...

Hi Jenn, It's great to see you again! How are you guys doing?

Melissa and Dave said...

you gotta do what you gotta do! ;)

cjdustin said...

I feel your pain. This happens to me OFTEN when I go to costco. I get quite used to it living here in the NW. It never fails that it is pouring on the day that I have to go there!

Lisa said...

I miss COSTCO and the lovely beverage :) I love that picture...you crack me up :)

Lynita said...

I think I must have been going in when you were going out, cuz I got soaked too! LOL! Costco is worth braving the weather!