The first two weeks went pretty well...lots of sleeping, eating, and (ahem) pooping. The last three days have been much worse. Lots of fussing and the only sleeping is during the day. I am pretty sure I am being hazed by my baby! I know it will pass, but in the mean time I am not my best self and poor Erika, Carson, and Dan are the lucky recipient of my ever-changing mood. I was hoping that Dan would have a few easy weeks following Cal's arrival, but he has been working 'til the wee sma's again 2,3,4am. I knew it would be like this sometimes, but when the reality sets in...sigh...it is hard to stay positive. I have so much I need to do and by the time he is resting, I am too tired and unmotivated to get going! It made me wonder why we're debating what is torture for political prisoners, and what constitutes cruel and unusual punishment....if they really wanted to make someone suffer they only need to give them a baby with colic to care for! After a few weeks you're crazy!
Oh, I remember the first weeks with my babies. I couldn't even make a clear thought due to lack of sleep. Hang in their, it goes by so fast, and you'll be wishing he was this precios age again.
ohhh I am so sorry. I hope he gets better soon and you can get some rest!
Every mother can totally relate! It's the torture we put ourselves through over and over again! The best advice I ever got and it finally sunk in with the 3rd was to sleep when he sleeps. The most important thing you can do is get some rest so you can become whole again. (at least partially whole...is that possible?!) My heart's with you, Jen! xoxo
I hope that things get better for you soon. I know the first month is always a struggle. Cal will eventually figure out when he should sleep and when he should stay awake. But, until then you need to try to rest whenever you can. Hang in there.
Oh man, you are so right! Most people do not understand cruel and unusual punishment unless they have suffered weeks caring for a newborn with colic! I only had a small amount of that with Kaitlyn, but just a taste is all you need! Still the second and third are worse, because you can't just sleep when the baby sleeps! I hope that you will have some relief soon, and your family will recover from the moods you're having.
Oh, I feel your pain. And....let's be serious....I never tire of giving advice so here it is: cut dairy and/or soy (they're evil), and buy a womb sound CD. It helped us muddle through. We're sending positive sleeping vibes your way. :o)
I so feel your pain...but that doesn't help. So, I hope it gets better soon. I echo the no dairy (or chocolate)comment...it did wonders for Anna!
hang in there! It will get better. :)
Hang in there sis!
Hang in there you are doing fine. Don't worry about the house, the chores, the stuff. Just hold that baby and remember that he is your last (right?)before you know it he will be running off to school and you will have plenty of time for the other "stuff"
Thank God that Kathy's son Jonathan did not develope Colic until about a month later and he was her only child. She also was not back at work yet. Now that he is 4 months old the Colic is only from 4-7 pm which she and her hasband can handle. Hopefully Cal will hurry up and get to that stage.
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