...Wax Candy Bottles????
For the record these "candies" are really gross, but I couldn't help but feel a little nostalgia when I spotted these little gems in the grocery store the other day. I don't think my parents ever bought these for us. I used to get them when we visited my grandpa in Rexburg. He lived close to a little gas station and my cousins or sisters and brother would walk there and pick our own treats to purchase.
I had to share this strange "candy" with the kids just once. Needless to say it was a hit, just like me they couldn't decide what was more fun - the drink inside or the wax bottle.... It seems like they came in several shapes, but this is the one that we would get most often.

Did you ever have these "candies" as a kid????
Loved these too as a kid. I didn't get them very often either--you know my parents. But even better is the wax lips!!!
I totally ate those as a kid. As soon as I saw the picture I had a "flavor memory". One of sugary sweet fruit-flavored wax! Why did we find it enjoyable to chew on wax?!?! So funny.
I remember those and I was not a big fan. I thought they tasted like cough syrup. But maybe I am remembering them wrong, I will have to keep my eye out for them to make sure I am remembering them correctly.
Liz - you got it right! They are disgusting and DO taste like cough syrup. I think I just thought they were cool as a kid... The unique "taste" is probably why they don't make them much any more.
Liz was too refined even as a young girl to get into the wax coke bottles. We used to pool our pennies and nickels and walk down the street in a horde to 7-11 to buy those. We loved them. We loved how you would chew gross tasting wax for a few seconds in anticipation of that quick squirt of flavor (that would go away in a few seconds). Then you'd always get down to the end when it was just a ball of wax and your jaw hurt and you'd wonder "um, do I just spit this out at this point?" Good times.
Yes I do remember those things even during my days(60-70's). This is auntie Deedee (Sharon's hanai sister)from Utah. Checking out the sites and enjoying all the pictures. Good to see all of you. Love the Vince Quans
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