It began as a LONG day and I was starting to worry it would end in a C-section, but in the end it was FAST! In the end I went from a "3" to delivery in about 45 minutes - WHEW! It must have been the fact that after the Dr. checked me for the last time and said I was still a "3" Dan decided it was time to go and grab some dinner. About a 1/2hr later the Dr. checked again and Cal was on his way... Where was Dad? The Dr. asked if we could call him on his cell phone. "Of course, he has his blackberry with him," I replied. He starts to laugh and said, "This blackberry?" Ahhhhhhhh! I joked, "If he doesn't make it for the delivery do I deserve a new pair of shoes?" He replied, "You're in Greenwich, that deserves diamonds!" Luckily, they made a hospital page and he showed up with 5 minutes to spare. Literally, Cal was born 5 minutes later...and other than having a mighty sore heiny I am feeling pretty good. I have decided that I need to have Dad take a few pics of me with Cal (Oops!)

Here he is in all his glory. He had the cord wrapped around his neck 2X's and so his face was really swollen when he was born. We both agreed he looked like a little old man for the first night until the swelling went down. So sweet!

Dad and Callum right after he was born. It was hard to believe that we were now the parents of 3! We had put off the reality of this day and it was strange to be finally be meeting "Crackers".

Of course, Erika and Cal hit it off immediately. She is so good with him - even if she is a little eager to "prove" herself as a competent older sibling. Read: She wants to pick him up and play with him all the time.

The kiddies with their new little brother. We had finally come up with a name...Callum James Feldman or "Cal" for short. Carson couldn't remember his name and kept calling him "Crackers". After gently reminding him that his name was "Callum or Cal" not "Crackers" anymore he replied, "Well, we need to change his name 'cause I just can't remember that!"

Two days before I had Cal, Carson got sick. High fever that went away, but he ended up with a cough and stuffy nose. We limited his exposure to Cal at the hospital and finally on Sunday he was able to really snuggle up with his new little brother. He was so excited to finally be able to hold him. He was thrilled!

Grandma and Grandpa Feldman spent the week with us. It was so fun to have them here with us. Grandma helped with Cal and kept the ever-mounting piles of laundry done. Grandpa Ed and Dan got busy and worked on a few house projects during the week as well. They installed all new windows in the basement! What a huge project to have done and out of the way...it will definitely help with the heating and cooling bills this year, too. THANK YOU!!!!! What a great week that went altogether too fast! We miss you already. I am not sure how I'll survive without your extra hands this week.

And here is Cal. I would love to have a little better shot of his face, but he loves his little hands. Even in the ultrasound pics he had his hands up in front of his mouth. He is sweet as can be and has very blue eyes. This is normal for most babies, but both Carson and Erika had black eyes at birth. They were never blue. Carson's have stayed almost black, and Erika has brown eyes now. At least I have one baby with blue eyes for now. His hair is so cute with at least 4 cowlicks in the back that force his hair into a little mohawk.
It is amazing to have a little newborn in our home again. He is so sweet it almost makes me want another one....(I said ALMOST). He is not really on a schedule yet, but he sleeps and eats and does very little crying yet. We all adore this little guy.
Jenn, What a story!!!! I'm so glad Danny made it in time. Me and Travis are sitting here laughing. He is so beautiful (handsome). Congratulations!!!!!
I am SO glad that everything turned out well. He's so darling and I'm so glad that he's been a good baby for you!
I am glad that your labor and delivery went so well this time. Ryan did the same thing to me with Kaitlyn, I was ready to kill him when he got back! Good thing they both made it. That is funny what the doctor said about being in Greenwich. Who delivered Cal?
He is just as cute as can be...and the kids look great with their lil brother! My baby is only 3 months, but seeing how cute and tiny he is makes me want another little newborn around! ;) I know every mom says they grow up way too fast, but I just can't believe how true that is!
Jenn, I'm so relieved that things went well. Did you get your filet mignon dinner from Greenwich Hospital? Cal looks like a complete sweetheart and so do Erika and Carson.
I love the pictures and am glad that Cal is eating and sleeping well for you. He is adorable.
Such a cutie! It is so wonderful when you have something so new and precious...then 2 years later it is a whole different story! Hee Hee
I love him Jenn!! What a sweet babe. You looked so good going to the hospital too. You know you didn't look full term there, stinker (all that sickness!). Now we need a picture of you holding him, we can tell who the photographer is in your family!!! Congrats and lots of happy wishes!!!
Love you, Michelle
He is so cute! I can't wait to hold him...
And yeah for you! You did it!
I'm so glad you had a more pleasant delivery this time! Cal sure is a cutie!
So So So so Sweet! I am so glad everything went well and I can't wait to see Cal and kids. We love you!
Thanks Jen - he is beautiful. It is so cute to see Erika and Carson with him too. We're so thrilled for you guys.
I am very thankful your pregnancy and delivery went so well. I am glad that Danny listened to the page so here was there in time. Cal is a handsome young boy. I love the photos of Carson and Erica holding him.
love Cousin Mary Lee
Congratulations Jen! You look increadible in your going to the hospital photo and you sweet little man is adorable. Hopefully your little helpers will be just that and you can have some good recovery time.
I'm so glad everything went well for you! He is so sweet! I hope I see you before we leave! I'll have to make sure of it! Love that Carson can't remember his name; he's so funny!
What a relief that he is here all safe and sound and so are you! I just love the spirit a new little one brings to a home. It's really special! Enjoy all the newling moments and I'll be over soon with some yummy dinner! xoxo
Congratulations!! He is ADORABLE! I am so happy to hear that he (and YOU) faired so well during the delivery. I hope he settles down and that the colic passes quickly. Keep the pictures coming - he is a beautiful baby!
Erika looks good with a baby, time she got some man c--k in her to get her knocked up, I would gladly f--k her
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