30 June 2008


Last year we planted some raspberry plants that didn't give us more than a few berries. We thought we planted two red varieties only, but as you can see we ended up with a rogue golden variety as a bonus. They are mild and tasty. These are samples of the goods.

One of the varieties has enormous berries that are beautiful and perfect for eating. These two were bigger than a quarter and they are just "average" in size.

* sorry for the poor pics, they are from my phone.


Laura B. said...

mmm...those look so good! Wish I was there to reap the harvest!

Liz said...

They look tasty. We planted a berry bush this year and it is not handling the nearly 100 degree heat very well. I will be surprised if we ever get a berry off of it. Enjoy your berries.

Joe said...

Those look great--our berry bush wasn't doing to badly until the landscaper dug it up and replanted it without keeping the roots intact, prepping the new spot, or even watering it! Still, there are faint signs of life deep within the stalk so I continue to water the poor shriveled thing.

jenafeldman said...

I had almost forgotten how hot it gets in TX...I'm sorry about your bush, it sounds like much of the rest of our "landscaping", too. After growing up out west it is hard to "re-learn" how to garden someplace else!

cjdustin said...

Yum Yum Yummy! You must be very proud of your harvest this year. It will only get better!