11 April 2007


This is definitely how our trip West was. From takeoff to landing the entire trip seemed to whirl by destroying well laid plans. I am not sure "glad to be home" is the phrase I would use either though. If you have seen our house the picture would typify it as well. It was really nice to see family and friends again even if it was for brief moments between work sessions. I am attempting to tame the wild order of our lives--we'll see how that goes!


The Roses said...

We're glad your back if that makes you feel any better. Keagan missed Carson's company at preschool.

Courtney said...

I'm glad you are back too! Michelle Garff and I are coming to NY tonight so if you have some time we should meet up. We'll give you a call later!

Laura B. said...

So glad you're back! Let's get together soon!

Lisa said...

Welcome back!!! We missed you! Kristy and I were talking about how we haven't seen you in FOREVER! Lets do lunch and count it as VT!