29 April 2007

the Before...

These firt two shots are after we made the offer, but before the owner moved out. Yes, someone was living here.

This is the original layout of our "bathroom" it was in a sorry state. The floor was completely cracked and when wet water would leak into the dining room downstairs...Note the location of the shower head to the toilet. Yes, the shower head faced the toilet...you had to stand sideways to shower!

Now you can see what sold us on the house! I mean who wouldn't fall in love with that...NOTE these photos were taken AFTER I had done several thorough cleanings with various cleaners---seriously.


Chrissy said...

I can't believe that tub! Yikes!!

Jenn S. said...

oh wow.

Joe said...

I call dibs on the rose bath curtain. Please don't tell me you tossed it!