08 January 2008

Not my bag baby!

I was "tagged" to reveal what I learned in 2007 and goals for 2008. I love the "idea" of this post, but I have dreaded completing it so don't expect much...

Lessons learned 2007

1. I learned that although I am a goal oriented person I don't like "goals" set out all at once. It just gives me a documented list of all the reasons I have failed over the past year...rather I like finding a need and trying to work on it - ONE at a time. I generally don't like to proclaim my list to everyone either...just to a few people that will really encourage me. Don't get me wrong, I applaud people who like to do it.

2. I learned that Christmas in NYC really comes in February (or at least at UBS).

3. I learned how to use a pneumatic nail-gun and to cope, scribe and install a 7 " and three-piece floor moulding throughout our entire house.

4. I learned that when my husband tells me what time he will be home it really means that time + 2hours. (example: 11pm really means 1am). Seriously. This formula has a 85% success rate - the other 15% of the time it is +3-4hours.

5. I have learned that I hate to cook dinner for just me and the kids...NO, I don't like deciding what to make for me and the kids. If someone else would decide and have the ingredients on hand it would be fine.

6. I have learned that I will NEVER remodel a house again. (Because when Dan says WE it really means ME - even though he would like to be able to do more.)

7. I have learned that sometimes your "best self" is someone you used to be and it can be a worthy goal to work towards who you were.

Goals for 2008 - (nothing too personal)

1. Have NO kidney stones this year!

2. Have ONE baby this year.

3. Figure out how to be a mom to three kids that are all at least FIVE years apart! (Ahhhh!)

4. Train Erika in the ways of a good babysitter and diaper changer.

5. Post at least once a week on this blog.

6. Buy a dining table ....PLEASE!!!

7. Stay in touch with friends and family more often! (#5 should help me with this a little right?)

I won't "tag" anyone but, if you are the type to list lessons learned and goals made (personal or non-personal) I would love to hear it and to cheer you on!!!!


jrushing said...

I want the deep down stuff. Give me personal!! I think you planned your goals well! You already have one in the bag!

cjdustin said...

You are going to have a great year! We are all behind you with the new baby and will help in any way that we can. I personally think that having kids spread out is great. Love ya!

Lisa said...

Great List! I hope you are feeling well and not too tired. Being pregnant and having a husband work long hours is tough - hang in there!!!

Liz said...

I am with you on your number 7 and I too want to be who I once was. Good luck on your goals. If any one can do it you can.

NY Barney Family said...

and that, is why we love you!

Jenn S. said...

Great List Jen! We are also anxiously awaiting "Christmas in February".

PS - I'm emailing you.

Amanda Neilson said...

I love your last lesson learned. I often think I would be better if I could re-find who I once was! Especially where my figure is concerned. :) Great list. Good luck!