20 July 2007


You Are 7 Up

Understated and subtle, people warm up to you slowly.
But once they're hooked, they can't imagine going back to anyone else!

Your best soda match: Diet Coke

Stay away from: Mountain Dew

One thing is sure...my best soda match IS Diet Coke!! Thanks julie...

I think I am schizophrenic....I took it three times and ended up as a mt. dew, dr. pepper and 7-up...hmmmmmmm


jrushing said...

Hey we are Twinners! That is funny!

Melissa and Dave said...

Does this mean we can't be friends :(

Melissa and Dave said...

What is Dan's soda match?

jenafeldman said...

Dan hasn't taken it yet....we'll see...

Amanda Neilson said...

I found out I am Diet Coke- which is interesting because I hate that stuff. Does this mean I hate myself and should see a therapist? If I'm going to drink soda it has to be Dr. Pepper!

Melissa and Dave said...

Dr. Pepper all the way!

jenafeldman said...

I am so happy you are a dt. coke amanda...this is my favorite drink soooo do not hate yourself...just take the test in an hour. You may be schizophrenic like I appear to be...