19 October 2008

6-30 Hmmm

Carson spent the day like this:

Hopefully we'll be up and running again tomorrow.


Amanda Neilson said...

Oh no! Hope he feels better soon. Atleast he's well insulated now!

Denise said...

Carson, Caroline remembered you in her prayers. I'm sure that will help!

cjdustin said...

Tell Carson that Aunt KiKi loves him and I hope he feels better soon.

jrushing said...

Don't whimp out now...WHERE IS YOUR POST?????? It has to take more than a sick kid, falling down the stairs, cranky non-sleeping 4.5month old, and paint problems in your closet to stop the 30 in 30!!!!

jenafeldman said...

you forgot to include the "laundry list" of Card Co your mom left us before she flew off to the happiest place on earth!