23 October 2008

10-30 A little Homecookin'

A few weeks ago we did a little apple picking... It was a perfect day for apples and we enjoyed them immensely! They were yummy and lovely, but after a few weeks we still had apples lining the drawer of my fridge.

I do not really like fruit pies...in general. Unfortunately, Dan loves them. I have only attempted 2 fruit pies in the past both of which were so-so. This past weekend the apples we picked were calling to me to put them to use. I called the queen of pies and requested a crust recipe...researched a good filling and this is the result! It looks a little messy - in the future I shall tidy up the edge - but very delicious! I received rave reviews from my husband...I may have to mend my ways and add pies to my list of "can dos"!


Erin said...

How funny, I just returned from a pie making class! Your pie looks delectable. Great Job!

jrushing said...

That is exactly what I need to eat right now!!!!!!!

Melissa and Dave said...

Looks delicious!! Is that shari-loo's pie crust recipe?? It just looks like it. Can you make one and ship it to me?

Liz said...

I need the recipe and fast. We went apple picking this weekend and brought home about 24 lbs. of apples. I need to make something with them but don't have any good recipes. Your pie looks very good!!