28 March 2008

A little creeped out!

So this little man-child is a VERY active little person. I am talking - full flips in the middle of the night - active. I don't recall either of the others being this crazy...I know this sounds weird, but it gives me the creeps. A little kicking here and there is always fun and endearing, but these Evil Knievel acrobatics that are being performed aren't comforting. In the middle of the night when he is busy working out some new stunt to try on my ribs, bladder, or belly I can't help but be a little creeped out! Please say I am not the only mommy-to-be that has felt this way. I am sure it is probably a result of the massive hormone changes I have undergone (right?), but maybe I'm just weird. Either way I am actually looking forward to the time when he is too big to do the stunt tricks he currently is working on! (Can you give Valium or Ritalin to a baby in-utero?)


NY Barney Family said...

you make me laugh! I actually felt that way with Austin -- let's just say those feelings are totally normal to make us both feel better!! LOL!!

Lynita said...

Sounds just like Kaitlyn! She used to stretch out so that I could almost count her toes from the outside. She was also a fan of doing flips at night! Ryan and I always thought that my belly looked like an alien was going to pop out at any second. She did this until I was like 2 weeks away from my due date! Now she still has tons of energy, and loves to flip and do crazy things! I am sure your little man will be perfectly healthy and active!

D said...

LOL! My Asher in Utero gets like that too. Now that he's bigger It looks really weird from the outside. He will push all to one side and totally deform my belly. It's definitely a little creepy- like an alien will pop out any minute. I've got 3 more weeks to go! :)

jrushing said...

So funny! Andrew was able to flip while sharing the womb with his sister just a few days before they were born. It is creepy! The little jabs here and there are okay but when the thing moves all the way across your belly and kicks every internal organ while doing it...that is uggie! The funny thing is...I don't think they move very much when they are out! But you better get Crackers to get his morning and nightime right before he comes!

Erin said...
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Erin said...

Anna was a little mover and shaker too. But, being my first, I didn't know any better...I thought being awakened by a full on ballet in my belly was normal.

This baby of yours will probably be pretty active once it's out too!

cjdustin said...

Could it be all the Mike & Ike's you've been eating? Sugar high maybe? ;) Actually, I have no idea if you've been eating candy but Julie is right. Hopefully he won't be that active in the night after he is born. BTW-the girls love the name "crackers"

Amanda Neilson said...

Too funny! I remeber feeling like there was an alien inside me!

JT and Kristin said...

Somebody told me before I had John that how active they are before they are born is indicative of their behavior after. It proved true with both John and Erin, so maybe you really will have a little Knievel after all.

Jaclyn said...

That is so funny! I enjoy feeling the little guys move and I think it's fun when you can actually see their little feet, etc moving across your tummy. But now that you mention it, it is kind of creepy! Sounds like you've got a mover and a shaker, but I love kids with spunk.

Denise said...

All my kids moved a lot -- but each had his or her own style. I guess this will just make you even MORE happy to have him O.U.T.

nyclizzie said...

My kids were ALL chill. To the point of having to go get fetal monitoring all the time because I wouldn't feel movement for days, what a pain. I finally with Luke would just say, "yes, lots of movement." Even though there wasn't because I didn't have time for the monitoring. Good thing it all worked out.

PS...we need more posts. You're such a great writer. ;-)

Courtney said...

Hey Jen...I hope you are doing well! I am dying to know how everything is going. This is totally random but Dave and I met Dan's brother two Sundays ago... (I don't remember his name, but if Dan has more than one brother it is the one that is doing Goldman traning here in NY)...He has such a cute little family...I wish they were going to be here longer!