10 March 2008

I like it

I really like this cleaner! I usually jump from product to product trying each in turn because none of them seem to work quite like I anticipate. (Read: They don't clean my shower without any effort on my part.) This stuff got my very white tile grout sparkling clean. I did do a little scrubbing with the brush, but overall I love this stuff. I have tried lots of cleaners that I had to work very hard with a scrub brush without any of the results. Now, I don't have hard water in NY, but we do get water now and then that leaves a slightly "off" color in the shower. Anyway, I had to pass it on because I rarely find something that really works so well for me. The only thing that comes close are these:

I know we all love 'em, but if you have a little boy around you come to really appreciate them!!! (With another little boy on the way I'm sure we'll be one of this company's biggest supporters.)


Melissa and Dave said...

We love the wipes! They are absolutely perfect for little boy messes... we have quite a few of those these days.

NY Barney Family said...

with 3 boys...we keep clorox in business.....!!

The Roses said...

I can't live without those!

jrushing said...

I love that scrubbing bubbles cleaner too! I am sorry that I have not shared that with you before! In fact I need to scrub my shower today because if I don't do it today...it will be 6 weeks before my belly will be up to the task!!

D said...

My favorite cleaner for the textured bottom of tubs or showers is Borax with a good stiff brush. It's amazing and gets all of the dirt out of the texture!

Erin said...

Thanks for the tip! I'm always trying to find a good cleanser!

Ash and Becky said...

I think we have clorox wipes in almost every room of the house! LOVE them!

Laura B. said...

Don't forget Fabuloso!! :)

Mary Lee (Collet) Smith said...

I have to tell you about the product I have been using for 30 years. Gel-Gloss. When we built our home and installed fiberglass showers, marble sinks and porcelin toilets we did not know that our rust level was 8.0. Normal levels are like 0.1. The health department checked the levels 4 times because it was sooo high. That means that rust stains can be very bad very quickly. I wipe the toilet/sink/tub with the wet polish and let dry. I then use an electric hand polisher to polish and remove the Gel-Gloss. It keep everything clean for 7-8 months at my home so all I need to do is use Clorox tablets in the toilet and rinse out showers/sinks.

Angela said...

The soft scrub deep clean spray is one of my favorites too! Jeff bought it once by mistake(it wasn't the one I had told him to get) but after using it I was hooked. Great on showers! Congrats on the upcoming baby, I can't believe how much your kids have grown up.