Time for a baby update...I'm 29 weeks and (knock on wood) I am doing great! For those who don't know, with both Erika and Carson I have had serious kidney stone episodes (approx. 20 in all - yes 20) which resulted in long hospital stays and lots of addictive narcotics. When we found out about Crackers I went to the urologist and had a renal scan and follow up. Her comment was, "It looks like a gravel pit in there." So many stones she couldn't count them...ugh! We have been prepared for the worst, but so far so good!! We are still on stone alert, but the longer I go the better. So here's hoping! Other than that things are generally OK...a few little concerns here and there, but really I feel pretty good. Hopefully the complications I had with Carson's delivery won't happen again and I will give this pregnancy a solid B- (is any pregnancy really an A???).
It really hasn't sunk in that we are having a baby yet...I realize this may be hard to believe, but its true. He's there, I feel him moving around like crazy, but still surreal. Carson is very excited and is anxiously awaiting the baby's birthday. We have done a little preparing (thanks mostly to friends and family) but I am beginning to feel a sense of urgency to get things together before this man-baby makes his appearance. On the list:
* get house inspected!!! (Don't ask why this is still not done)
* get lawn in the backyard (I need somewhere to put the kids once baby does come)
* get a crib (this is not quite as urgent, but it would be nice to have it done)
* organize the house - I should say reorganize to make room for him.
* get ahead on my business so I'm not swamped with work the day after delivery. (I know my partners have my back, but I still want it off the list)
This is the short list. No time for the fun stuff yet (like decorating). Hey, I'll be happy if I can accomplish even a few of the above. It would feel great and I think we can! I am so happy that things have gone this well so far. I promised a few people I would post a belly shot. This is not really my thing (I don't have any from Erika or Carson) but I am so far from friends and family I thought I would share. (this is for you jenn!)

You look great!! You are hardly showing...not fair! I am so happy that things are going better this time around.
Just as i suspected! You have a miniscule belly bump. At least you don't have to be as big as a house while you battle your stones. I'm glad you're doing well. Can't wait to see you!
You look FANTASTIC! I seriously look like a beached whale at that point!
I'm so glad that you're feeling good! You deserve an easy pregnancy!
You look great! It is hard to believe by looking at that picture that you are 29 weeks! Hopefully everything goes well the rest of the pregnancy!
You better get crackin' that is a lot to do and if that is the short list...and fyi...If I don't get a break for a hernia you for sure don't get a break for a baby!
Yeah!!! Thanks Jenn! You look smaller at 29 weeks than I did at 8 weeks (or zero weeks). I'll get over it eventually. ;o) I'm keeping you in my prayers and keeping my fingers crossed.
Glad to hear it's all going smoothly! May the kidney stone gods be at rest! xoxo
That's a belly? You look so tiny! I hope the kidney stone problem continues to cooperate...that sounds like a nightmare.
Please call if you need help with your list. I'm really close and have got pretty much nothing to do!
Jenn great news that this time is easier so far!!
And what a tiny tummy! You have a smaller tummy at 28 weeks preggo than I do now, not preggo! AARRG!!
Some perks (small tummy) are well deserved!!
xoxoxo and prayers for continued health!
I'm so glad your feeling well! To be only 5 weeks ahead of you, I gasped at your so called "belly"! We're a tad bit bigger over here at my house!
ok you make me sick! My bump is bigger than that and I gave birth two weeks ago! =) I am so glad everything is going well and I can't wait to see pics of the little guy when he arrives!
Um, you look AMAZING! So happy to hear that everything's going great with the little man.
And fyi, I just privatized our blog. Send me your email address (Jenn S or Annie has my email...I don't want to publish it. It's in very high demand ;-)).
You look so great! I have had stones a few times, but never while pregnant. Whoa! How did you deal with that? Hope you stay in the clear and keep feeling good.
I am so happy that kidney stones are not acting up yet and will continue to pray that they won't. Like I said I had just 1 and it was 10 times worse than giving birth to my kids.
In regards to you tummy- are you sure that you are prego? Are you trying to suck in a tummy? What's the deal? It hardly looks like a 28 week prego picture.
PS hope you enjoy Wed & Thurs with Uncle Lee & Aunt Gwen They are thrilled to be able to come visit you
I need my magnifying glass to see your belly! You are adorable!
You look great Jenn. I hope all continues to go well and that you are able to accomplish your goals.
Wow I can't believe how far along you are! You look amazing! I am so sorry that you have had such an awful time with kidney stones. As if pregnancy isn't hard enough! I hope that you will have an easy delivery!
Little. That's all I have to say.
How exciting Jenn.. I didn't know you were pregnant. You look great. Good luck with everything.
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