26 January 2008

So Yesterday...

Thank you for all your nice comments about my little accident! I have to say that by the next day I was able to take it all in with more perspective. I talked to the"victim" the next morning and she said she stayed home from work and was a little sore. That just made me mad! She was barely bumped for heaven's sake! Well, I think nothing more will happen, but I'll keep you posted just in case. I do live in a very litigious state ya' know.

Well that was all yesterday - on to today. I will say only this for now, I have completed one of the goals on my list and it is only January! Yay! (More details about this one later....)

I was channel surfing this week and ended up watching most of this movie this week while I was waiting for Dan to come home one night. As a pregnant gal I have a real bone to pick with it! They claimed near the end of the film when the women were within a few weeks of being full term that they were weighing in at 128 lbs and 132 lbs respectively! ARE YOU KIDDING ME!!!!! Now if you are under 5'3" tall maybe you should disregard this because that could be a realistic weight, but there is NO WAY Diane Keaton would only weigh 132lbs at 9 months pregnant! This was depressing and insulting!!!! I realize that I am a little dramatic, but come on! I am 5'7" and believe me, I will be more than 132 lbs by May! The moral of this story is don't watch movies that were made in 1995 - and realize that when you are a pregnant you are apt to be a "little" oversensitive!!!


Ash and Becky said...

Whenever I watch that movie I always get annoyed at that part also. I doubt that Diane Keaton started out at that weight before even getting pregnant! Ash always has to tell me to calm down, it's just a movie! And I'm not even pregnant!
So sorry about that lady, but why wasn't she paying attention??? Hello oblivious! Hopefully it all works out well, with no lawsuits. You definitely don't need that stress when you are pregnant.

D said...

And I was feeling good that I started out this pregnancy weighing just a few pounds less than those ladies "supposedly" ended theirs. ARghhhh! I hope a man wrote that script- he probably thought that he was being respectful to women or was just plain clueless. So rude!

Sorry about the accident. The last thing you need right now is stress. Hopefully you have heard the end of it.

Lisa said...

What?! Hollywood is nuts!

Glad things are better for you.

Mary Lee (Collet) Smith said...

Even when I began Jeff's pregnancy Way Back in 1976, I weighed 99 lbs going in and 145 lbs just before labor. Men really do not pay attention to their wives. I mean the writers have to be married with children. Didn't they ever go to their wives dr visits? or did they lear to tread lightly over the eggshells and not have their wife break into tears that she was fat?

HMMM makes me wonder

cjdustin said...

Who the heck cares what you weigh as long as you are healthy and have a healthy baby right? Just enjoy getting fat and actually having an excuse. The rest of us have to come up with excuses for why we are getting fat. I just give the age excuse. "You know it is so hard to keep the weight off now that I am over 35..." BTW there is no way Diane Keaton wieghed 132! Complete BS

jrushing said...

That movie was made back in the day when we just thought everything in the movies was true...oh wait...hmmm...

Michelle Garff said...

I have thought that exact same thing when I watch that movie! Obviously the writers have never been pregnant! I am so sorry about the accident - that can be stressful enough without the pregnancy hormones raging in your body! Hang in there - I am thinking of you!

Chrissy said...

I caught this a while back and heard the same terrible lines and just shook my head. Yeah right! Sorry about the accident. That would make me mad too. I still don't see how she didn't hear or see you coming! Hang in there!

Lynita said...

Ha ha! I remember hearing that weight the last time I watched it and thought, "Is that how much weight they gained? Cuz nobody I know weighs that much @ 9 months pregnant!" I think that someone must have written that line in hopes that a dream might become reality! I have seen very skinny girls gain 60 pounds in a pregnancy and women who weigh more thand 135 to start with gain only 20, so reality is way different. Just know that I am sensitive about it when I am not pregnant, so feel free to vent and shout the injustices from the roof tops!